What Does Social Security Consider a Disabling Condition?
Disabling conditions as defined by the Social Security Administration are physical or psychological conditions severe enough to prevent a person from working and earning “gainful income” for at least one year. The SSA determines whether a health problem is disabling and warranting benefits by reviewing a claimant’s application, physician’s reports, results of laboratory tests and imaging scans. The Social Security disability review board also looks at a claimant’s past work history to ascertain if the claimant could perform other types of work.
What If My Condition is not Listed in Disability Blue Book?
Although the number of disabling conditions listed in the disability Blue Book seems small (just over 100), each condition offers additional criteria under which a claimant could qualify for benefits. For example, melanoma (skin cancer) found in the Blue Book includes different kinds of skin cancers, the stages of skin cancer (early, metastasized, etc) and skin carcinomas that have reached into bone or muscle. Chances are a claimant with skin cancer will meet enough symptomatic criteria listed under this disabling condition to be approved for benefits.
However, if a claimant’s condition and symptoms does not match a disability Blue Book exactly, the SSA review board will need to determine if the condition is similar enough to another listed condition. Although migraines are not considered a disabling condition, the side effects of migraines, such as seizures or other nervous system disorders, are listed in the book’s neurological section as potentially disabling medical issues. In this case, a claimant may be awarded Social Security disability benefits due to experiencing neurological issues because of migraines.
Will I Qualify for Benefits If I Have Multiple Conditions Not Listed in the Blue Book?
Possibly, if these conditions exacerbate each other to the point of causing disability. While people with high blood pressure won’t typically qualify for benefits, people with diabetes, hypertension and arthritis may qualify if Social Security agrees the symptoms produced by the combination of these chronic diseases commensurate with another listing. For legal assistance obtaining Social Security disability, please call Decker Law Office today. We may be able to help you obtain SSD benefits even if your condition is not listed in the Blue Book.